In the past few days, the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) issued a severe warning to the public about NordenCrypto and Aivax S.A.’s illegal operations. These organizations have faced criticism for their lack of regulatory compliance and questionable commercial activities. In this article, we will look at the difficulties surrounding both companies, providing a thorough NordenCrypto review and an Aivax S.A. review.

Website –,

Website Availability – YES


  1. Zürcherstrasse, 8952 Schlieren
  2. Weltpoststrasse 5, 3015 Bern

Blacklisted Status – Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (Switzerland)

Overview of NordenCrypto and Aivax S.A.

NordenCrypto promises to be a top financial service provider and a promising leader in the Bitcoin investment industry. However, a deeper study reveals that the external appearance of a respectable organization quickly breaks down. The FINMA has pointed out that NordenCrypto works without a formal license, raising severe issues regarding its reliability and validity. The company’s lack of transparency about its business operations and governance structure has exacerbated these worries, making it an unsafe platform for potential investors.

Aivax S.A. claims to be the world’s most powerful automated trading platform, and it has entered the financial markets with big promises of great returns with low-risk investments and profitable investment prospects. However, the truth appears to be drastically different. The FINMA’s warning suggests that Aivax S.A. is also operating without the required regulatory approval, putting investors at risk. The company’s activities, including aggressive marketing and unrealistic claims, have sparked concern among industry professionals and regulatory organizations alike.

Lack of Regulation and Accountability

One of the most urgent concerns about NordenCrypto and Aivax S.A. is a lack of regulation. Neither firm holds the necessary licenses to operate in the financial markets, which seriously weakens their validity. Regulation is a critical component of financial operations, ensuring that corporations follow strict guidelines designed to safeguard investors. Because NordenCrypto and Aivax S.A. lack such control, there is little to no responsibility for their conduct, exposing investors to potential fraud and misbehavior.

Warning Signs and Complaints

There have been numerous warning flags regarding NordenCrypto and Aivax S.A. Complaints from investors have flooded in, citing difficulties such as difficulty withdrawing funds, lack of transparency in transactions, and unmet promises of rewards. These concerns point to deeper flaws within these companies, indicating a pattern of activity that is not consistent with investor interests. The FINMA’s warning serves as a timely reminder to potential investors to conduct due diligence and be mindful of such red signals.

False Promises and High-risk Investments

Both NordenCrypto and Aivax S.A. have been accused of making fraudulent claims and pushing high-risk investments. Their marketing techniques frequently contain promises of big profits with little risk, a common feature of fraudulent schemes. In actuality, the investments made by these companies are loaded with danger, and the promised returns are frequently unrealistic. This mismatch between their promises and actual achievements has resulted in large financial losses for many investors, further underlining the significance of regulatory monitoring.

NordenCrypto and Aivax S.A. Scam Review – Conclusion

The FINMA’s public warning about NordenCrypto and Aivax S.A. highlights the vital need for prudence when dealing with unregulated financial organizations. Both companies have shown a lack of transparency, accountability, and regulatory compliance, making them high-risk investments for prospective investors. This comprehensive NordenCrypto review and Aivax S.A. review should act as a warning to anyone thinking about investing in these or other similar companies. To protect one’s investments, one must undertake rigorous research and seek out regulated, recognized organizations.

Do you have any bad experiences with NordenCrypto or Aivax S.A.? Contact Broker Scan 

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